League Rules

League Rules & Regulations


Created: January 14, 2022
Edited: December 29, 2023

Section I: Administration

All rules and regulations laid out in this document will be in place for all the CORE Racing Series and will be enforced by league administration unless a situation arises where a rule or regulation needs to be changed in order to address shortfalls or issues in race operations that are directly affecting the quality of competition in a negative way.

Any changes to the rules beyond that exception will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

League/Race Admins: Carl Handwerk, Jimmy Covert, John Nobinger, Dylan McDonald, David Tilford and Dane Simpson

Website Admins: Carl Handwerk, Paul Butler and David Tilford

Facebook Admins: Carl Handwerk, Dylan McDonald and Jimmy Covert

Incident Tickets – Incidents for violation of iRacing sporting code or CORE Rules in any CORE league races can be reported through the incident ticket system in the CORE Discord.  Members are encouraged to never report other members through the iRacing protests system.  Incidents may be reported by any CORE league member who observes the incident within 7 days.  All Incident tickets will be reviewed by a minimum of 3 admins to determine any potential penalties. If necessary the admins will discuss the situation with the parties involved to get their side of the story. Penalty severity will be at the sole discretion of the admins and all decisions are final.

Section II: Race Operations

Entry – Entry into any CORE Racing League event requires driver to do the following:
– Fill out the Number/Release form by clicking Apply Now on www.coreracingleague.com.
– Join the CORE Racing League Discord. https://discord.gg/2JNN2Nxjy2
– Apply to the series by filling out the form(s) located in the CORE Discord.
– Pay any necessary series fees.
– Race clean and continue to help the league and yourself grow and get better.

Backup Drivers – Not allowed under any circumstances.

Race Times – Series race lobbies and the length of practice varies for each series. Refer to the series rules for details.

Race Incidents – Series race incident limits vary for each series. Refer to the series rules for details. If a driver commits an offense that you would like to protest, please follow the incident protest system in the Discord.

iRacing Server Issues – If 3+ drivers get disconnected simultaneously the race will be considered red flagged as of the 1st disconnected driver.

  • If the race was still in the 1st qtr, the race will be restarted in a new session with the starting order being the same as the affected race’s starting order.
  • If the race was past the 1st qtr but still in the first half, the race will be canceled and no points will be given.
  • If the race was in the 2nd half, the field will be frozen as of the previously completed lap as determined by league admins and the race will be considered over. Full points will be awarded.
  • Any recurring incidents of 3+ server disconnects in the same race will result in the race ending with no more attempted. Before the halfway point, no points will be awarded.  After the halfway full points will be awarded.

Section III: In-Race Driver Rules

Starts – For all CORE Racing League Series, the initial start of any race will be conducted by the drop of the green flag. Jumping the initial start could result in a drive through penalty, if violated.

Restarts, Resuming Races – For all restarts following the initial start of the race, the leader is considered the control car and will be able to dictate when they decide to resume racing, only after the pace car has dropped off and begun its approach and entry into pit road. The leader will also have their choice of lane for the restart. Drivers are expected to be within a car length of the car in front of them at the initial start and later restarts unless they feel it will be unsafe. Lagging more than a car length to try and time the start and get a jump WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. This can be a protestable offense and may result in post race penalties or next race penalties.

Restarts, Changing Lanes – For the initial start and all restarts through the entirety of the race, drivers are not permitted to change lanes [e.g., moving from the inside lane to the outside lane] prior to the start-finish line, unless circumstances present themselves where a lane change is required for the following reasons:

– Avoiding an occurring incident, such as a crash.

– Avoiding a collision due to a driver ahead either not properly shifting, a.k.a. “missing a shift,” and/or spun their rear tires on the start/restart, preventing them from gaining speed with the rest of the field.

In these cases, as long as the position(s) are given back there will be no penalty. If position(s) are not given back then the incident may be protested.

Pit Road – Drivers are required to stay toward the right while advancing down pit road under all circumstances until you are three boxes away from your pit stall. Incessantly driving through fellow competitors’ pit boxes before or after your pit stop will not be allowed and can be a protestable offense.

Additionally, drivers are asked to maintain the given pit road speed limit for the duration of their time on pit road. Drivers who consistently drive under that limit, thus creating hazards and congestion on pit road will be warned to maintain proper speed.

Black Flags – Black flags will be controlled by iRacing and will not be cleared.

“Lucky Dog” Free-Pass & Wave-Around – In some CORE Racing League Series, the “Lucky Dog” free pass will be in effect, meaning the car scored by iRacing as the first car at least one lap down will be allowed to pass the pace car and earn one of their laps back. Follow the rules and prompts on screen from iRacing when it comes to properly visiting pit road after earning your lap back and your placement on the track. Wave-Around cars (cars behind the pace car, but ahead of all lead lap drivers) will be allowed to pass the pace car and receive their lap back at the 1 to green. Again, drivers must follow the rules and prompts on screen from iRacing.

Beyond the Lucky Dog and Wave-Around, the league administration WILL NOT be giving any drivers a manual wave-around by the pace car.

Finishing the Race Under Yellow – For a driver to be credited with the position they are in, they must finish the race under their own power (no one can push them) and maintain pace speed. If a driver is caught being pushed or pushing another driver  across the line for whatever reason, a protest can be filed against them.  Drivers behind slow cars should still follow iRacing instructions to avoid black flags.

Section IV: Driver Behavior

Managing tempers – We understand racing can result in some heated moments between drivers as they all jockey for the same real estate week after week to get to the same goal, winning the race and eventually a championship. To that end, we also understand things can be said “in the heat of the moment,” but there will be an expectation to be mindful of what is said whether in a fit of anger, or not.

Series administrators reserve the right to assess penalties and other action against drivers who make offensive comments in text and/or voice communications toward drivers or others participating in any CORE Racing League Series, ranging from warnings, to point penalties, to as severe as complete removal from a race lobby or the league outright.

These are action’s the administration would prefer not to take, but again this league was created for those that like to have fun and race hard but clean. League racing and Discord will not be ruined based on the reckless comments or actions of someone who may not be able to control their temper during a moment of a given race or after.

Intentional wrecking, Retaliation – This will not be tolerated. In a similar vein to managing tempers, there is an understanding that close quarters racing can heighten emotions when battling for position but, should a battle result in drivers using their cars to retaliate over a perceived slight against them or a move on the track they didn’t like, or take someone out for any reason, the driver found to be intentional wrecking and/or carrying out retaliation will be IMMEDIATELY removed from the race server, with the series administration reserving the right to completely remove the driver(s) from the league.

This behavior will not be tolerated, and race administration will be monitoring each race to ensure competition remains close, competitive but free of offensive communications and detrimental on-track conduct.